Friday, July 22, 2011

A Fundação Gilberto Freyre (A famous author's home)

This week we went and visited an old home of a famous author named Gilberto Freyre. It was interesting to tour through this museum/home and experience some more of Brazil's culture. Freyre wrote close to one hundred books, many of which are Brazilian classics. He was well-respected by the Portuguese community as well, and his home reflected a lot of Portuguese influence in its décor. Included in the décor of his home were many works of azulejos (tiles painted in blue reflecting biblical stories) which were given to him from Portugal. He seemed to be an interesting fellow, I enjoyed learning about his life and experiencing his home.

This is the pathway that led up to his house, kind of jungley.

The entrance to the museum.

This was one the porch of the home. It is an example of the azulejos.

The kitchen in the home, once again decorated with azulejos.

A collection of his books. He had over 40,000 in his home. Above the books is an example of Brazilian culture that is interesting. In almost every home I have visited in Brazil, there have been paintings or pictures of their deceased parents and grandparents, something that isn't too common in our culture but it is important to them.

Nick and I on the steps to enter the mansion.

Just kickin it with the man himself. He was kind of quiet, but a lot of fun!

This is something interesting as well. I didn't know this, but in Brazilian culture after a few years of a person being buried they take the bones out of the ground and usually dispose of them. In Gilberto's case, they took both his and his wife's bones and put them into this box surrounded by a fountain and paintings of the history and colonization of Brazil.

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