Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vitoria, Espirito Santo

As our program has come to an end, I can say with an absolute certainty that I not only enjoyed it but grew substantially throughout the past six weeks. I have loved getting to know the people in the group and building friendships, as well as with our professor Vanessa who has been a great support to me in my time here. I have learned so much more about the culture and history of Brazil that I didn’t know, and I have grown to love it here even more as I have come to know it better. I am extremely grateful for the incredible opportunity that the Lord, BYU, my parents, and the American government (through my financial aid) gave me to be able to have what indeed was an experience of a lifetime. After my study abroad program officially came to an end, I had the opportunity to visit a few of my areas and the people I served with on my mission. My first stop was in the state of Espirito Santo, in the areas Vila Velha and Cariacica. I stayed with my good friend from Vila Velha named Joao. I had a lot of fun with him, it was so great to see my good friends and spend some time with them. On Sunday I bore my testimony in church, which was a special experience for me. It was great to bare my testimony once again to the Brazilian people and testify of the truthfulness of the church and share my love with them.

Joao and I getting some acai.

These are pictures of us visiting the Convento da Penha. It is an old catholic church made in the 1500's that overlooks the city of Vitoria. Devout Catholics walk on their knees on this rocky pathway to the top to show their devotion.

At a ward party that they had with Elder Francisco, one of the Elders that I served with on my mission.

With some members at the party.

Joao having a staring contest with his stuffed frog, Caco.

These are pictures with my friend Jaqueline and her husband Felipe. She was a recent convert that my companion and I worked with who just got married in the temple, which I was so happy about. She and her husband took me up to this area that overlooks the valley in Vitoria.

We also went to this town called Domingos Martins. This was a really interesting city, much different than any other city in Brazil I have ever seen. The reason it is so different is because it was civilized by the Germans hundreds of years ago, one of the only cities in Brazil that was founded by them. I really enjoyed my trip with them.

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