Saturday, August 13, 2011

Amazon Hotel (Day Three)

I had one of the neatest experiences of my life on the third and final day of our stay in the Amazons. We had the opportunity to go and swim with dolphins. They were some of the most amazing, beautiful creatures I have ever seen. We went by boat for about an hour to a house in the river where they feed the dolphins every day, so they stay there close by. We got to get in the water and swim with them and pet them. Their skin was extremely smooth and soft, and some of them were pink dolphins. It really was such a fun thing to do, I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to do that. That afternoon we went to a rubber museum that is a little ways down the river. Rubber comes naturally from some of the trees here in the Amazons, and for a period of time it was the most important export for Brazil, and especially the Amazons. We saw how they extracted the rubber from the trees, and how they turned it into the rubber that they used to sell. On the way back to the resort, we went through some skinny branches of the Amazon River by boat. The trees and plant life surrounding the river were amazing, as well as some monkeys and beautiful birds that we ran into. To finish off the trip, we got to see one of the best sunsets I have ever seen going down behind the Amazon River. The sky was incredible to look at. I am so glad I had the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Amazon, it is yet another evidence to me of God’s life and love for us here on earth.

To get the dolphins to come over to us, the guy would slap the fish against the water. They were very playful creatures.

Little balls of rubber at the rubber museum.

A big ball of rubber, it bounced like a basketball.

This is how the got the rubber out of the trees. They made a cut in the tree and put a metal cup underneath for the rubber to flow down into it.

Our guide showing us the process of making it.

A few pictures along the banks of the Amazon.

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