Saturday, June 25, 2011

Historical Park and Castle Museum

The first few pictures are statues found in the park just a few minutes down the road from our house. This is the same park that we went to one of the Festa Juninas at. 

This is a statue of the former President of Brazil, Lula, and his family.

Nick and I fit in really well.

The rest of the pictures were taken on a trip our group took to an old castle nearby that has been turned into a museum. The castle was taken over by a rich Brazilian, who in turn filled it with his collection of art. The artifacts, statues, and paintings were incredible. A lot of the memorabilia was from the medieval era, with armor, swords and other things of that nature. There were also a lot of paintings of Brazil which were interesting as well. The castle was enormous, so it took us a couple of hours to see the whole thing but I’m glad we went. It was a good experience without a doubt.

This is me in front of the castle entrance. Believe it or not it was actually surrounded by a mote. 

David and I kickin it easy.

Entering the doors of the mansion.

The battalion in their armor.

In our thinking chair in front of the castle.

Me in front of a huge painting of Rio de Janeiro many moons ago.

I have thoroughly been enjoying learning more about the history and culture of Brazil. I truly do love this country, and it has been a dream come true to be able to experience it and learn about it in a way I was never able to do on my mission. Not only am I learning about it first hand through field trips and visits to historical places like you can see in the Blogs, but we are also studying hard in the classroom and in our assigned readings. I am really grateful for the opportunity I have to be learning and experiencing first hand something that I have such a passion for.

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